Stop Side Effects Before They Start
Many drug reactions are preventable. Learn how to protect yourself. [More]
A group of doctors at the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) analyzed thirty years of details about adverse drug reactions documented in U.S. hospitals. Using very conservative analysis and excluding all questionable cases, in an effort to be as accurate as possible, the doctor-researchers found that more than 2.2 million Americans require hospitalization in one year because of serious reactions to medications. Even more disturbing was that more than 106,000 patients die per year because of properly prescribed drugs.
Now it gets worse. When you include both properly and improperly prescribed drugs, more than 180,000 American patients die every year from taking their medications.
Specifically, the JAMA report shows that ‘adverse drug events’ cause more than 180,000 deaths in America each year. Adverse drug events include both properly prescribed and improperly prescribed medications. Improper prescription events include both physician and patient errors, like prescription of the wrong drug, wrong dose, or wrong patient.
What does this mean for you? You and your loved ones are nearly five times more likely to die from a prescription drug than a car accident.
What can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones? Learn all you can about the use and inherent dangers of drugs. Many drug reactions are preventable if you learn to ask the right questions to your doctor and pharmacist, as discussed next, see: Stop Side Effects Before They Start.
Many drug reactions are preventable. Learn how to protect yourself. [More]
For one in five drugs, dosages are ultimately lowered years after FDA approval—after millions of people have received the higher doses. [More]
Many think methylphenidate (Ritalin) is safe, or mild, because so many children use it. However, the government classifies the psychoactive drug with cocaine and morphine because it's highly addictive. [More]
Whether you know it or not, if you have purchased newly released drugs or have taken free samples of medication, you, too, are part of the great ongoing clinical trial. Find out why the hottest drugs may be the most toxic. [More]
Prescription guidelines do not currently distinguish between the sexes, even though it’s well recognized that women suffer more frequently from side effects. [More]
If over-the-counter drugs were dangerous, the FDA would never allow them to be sold without a prescription, right? Not exactly. Almost all OTC medications were at one time prescription drugs and have inherent risks of adverse reactions like any prescription. [More]
“It’s the holy grail that every drug company tries to achieve,” according to a former director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the Federal drug agency who said: “One-dose-fits-all is a marketing myth.” [More]
A clinical study funded by the National Institutes of Health found amphetamines damage brain cells needed for cognitive speed and function. [More]